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Another Clean Sweep in the CDAL

After playing all 3 matches in Group C, Team Vitreous finds themselves on top of the standing with 100% map count. Ronin is 1st for highest K/D (3.17) and 2nd Most kills (187)

The boys add Mafioso Gaming to the 100pt club ending the hardpoint 250 - 81. Ronin and Leli Frys lead the lobby with 21 Kills each. iAym had the most time on hill with 2:56. And finally Blair gets play of the game as he secures the third hardpoint by taking down 3 players from half wall. As akmutts1 (the codcaster) says on stream, "They are playing perfect Call of Duty, Vitreous, they are playing perfect Call of Duty."

Just like the hardpoint, the SnD is very one sided. Game ends 6 - 0 as Team Vitreous obliterate Mafioso. iAym ends the game going a flawless 7 - 0. All players on Team Vitreous have 2.0+ k/d.

Finally we get to the control. Once again, Team Vitreous make it look easy. 3 - 0 is the score. Ronin leads the entire lobby with 26 kills and 3845 damage. iAym with the most tiers captures at 9. Overall dominate performance for Team Vitreous. Every single player had their moment to shine. GG's Mafioso

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